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Entity Resolution

Cut through the clutter with precision - ensure every article pinpoints the exact company or individual you’re tracking.

Analysing Sentiment with Precision

A lot of companies with the same name, and It’s hard to differentiate them from one another.

Seek identifiers

Some unique identifiers like the domain URL, socials, and founder/management names exist. However, they are not always mentioned in the articles.

Entity Resolution

The final output can be a filtered feed, or all articles with additional attributes that enable you to be as strict or lenient with the filtering as you want to be.

Events Intelligence

Leverage our global event data stream to stay ahead in the market and turn insights into actionable business strategies.

Detect Event

Most news coverage is centered around events: an election, an IPO, a war etc.

Deduplicate & Cluster

Ideally, you would want to be able to deduplicate the 10s, if not 100s of articles talking about a certain event, spanning over weeks or months.

Reduce the noise

Our event intelligence pipeline doesn’t just cluster,it  keeps track of events and  tries to map similar-looking clusters together to see if they can be combined.

There are checks based on event-related information like the name of the parties involved, the dates, and any geo-location or monetary information available.

Extract & Standardise

On top of the aggregation, it extracts and standardizes all the relevant data points.

For example, during an acquisition, the pipeline will extract the names of the two companies, the buyout amount, and the date of acquisition from all the articles it believes are talking about this acquisition.

Insights Engine

Unearth hidden gems and nurture their growth - our market intelligence shines a spotlight on emerging opportunities awaiting your touch.

Listing upcoming releases

Get the name of all (digital)  products that are going to be released in the coming year. This information has to be usually gathered from multiple industry-specific websites, regularly updated, and resolving discrepancies.

Extraction & Association

Getting the names of these products is just the beginning. The next step is extracting all the articles talking about them and associating them with the right product.

The product names can be confusing because of franchises and sequels. Finding the relevance is the key to accuracy.

Volume & Sentiment Analysis

After the association is done, we generate stats about the volume of articles and overall sentiment surrounding the list of products.

These help you identify hidden gems, products that don’t have a lot of coverage, but whatever coverage they have is overwhelmingly positive.

Localized News

Keep your finger on the pulse of any town or region - our localized news coverage brings you the latest happenings right where they matter.

Search for Location Name

Search for the location name within the news article.

Associate News with Geolocation

We employ intelligent search patterns, proximity searching, the location of the outlets, and localized information like landmarks to reliably associate articles with the correct location with 92% accuracy.

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