Building A PR/Communication Media Monitoring Tool With News API

Building A PR/Communication Media Monitoring Tool With News API

Media monitoring is the right way to never miss a story about your brand, your competitors, and your industry.

Building A PR/Communication Media Monitoring Tool With News API

We would like to demonstrate how easy it could be to start collecting all news mentions using NewsCatcher's News API.

But first, let's talk about why should you even care about media monitoring.

Media monitoring for PR & Communications will help you get answers to the following questions:

  • What media are saying about our brand? Or, the brands of our clients?
  • What are the arising risks related to our industry/market?
  • Take control of our brand's image. Our reputation might be your biggest value.
  • How customers are seeing the image of our brand?
  • What is the result of our past PR effort? How many journalists wrote about it?

Media monitoring is the right way to never miss a story about your brand, your competitors, and your industry.

The power of building your own in-house media monitoring tool

“Inside every PR company is a small dev shop”

Building a media monitoring in-house has never been easier! If PR & Communications are important to you, then you already must have developers that help you build in-house solutions.

We already collecting all data that you might need. Just plug in the data feed to your system and make a truly customizable solution.

So, why pay for the third-party media monitoring, not a customizable solution when you can build your own? Exactly the way your team needs.

Using our News API, you can get access to millions of news articles published every week. You can customize every data point and make reports exactly how you need them.

A step-by-step guide to start collecting brand mentions using NewsCatcher's News API

Step 1. Subscribe to a BasIC free plan via RapidAPI.

Now, you can make some API calls without any coding via the RapidAPI console.

Step 2. Choose a programming language that best suits you.

Step 3. Start making calls with your API key.

For example, we want to find all the news articles that mentioned Tesla in the article's title. Also, we narrow down our search for the past 24 hours, English-only articles.

We'll use the /search endpoint for it.

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122 articles found! You can check the top 5 found articles here.

In just the top 5 articles, we found out that:

  • Tesla in Pakistan: PM Khan To Meet Tesla Executives
  • Tesla Motors Amsterdam to be a parent of Tesla India, giving company tax benefits
  • Tesla launches solar inverter
  • Altria Is The Anti-Tesla (NYSE: MO)

Why NewsCatcher?

  1. We know that the most important part for you is to never miss a story. So, we have a special proposition for PR & Communications that will make sure we cover you in full.
  2. We can get you a specific news feed. Are you operating in a small niche? We'll find all the news websites and start collecting data from them.
  3. We'll guide you through so that you can quickly integrate our solution and start benefit from it instantly!

Just drop me an email to artem [at] newscatcherapi.com if you have some feedback. I'd love to chat!


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