Get top news sources
Returns a list of the top 100 news websites supported by NewsCatcher. Overall, we support over 60,000 websites. Using this endpoint, you may find the top 100 for your specific language, country, topic combination.
API Key to authenticate requests.
To access the API, include your API key in the x-api-key
To obtain your API key, complete the form or contact us directly.
The language you want to search in.
, ar
, bg
, bn
, ca
, cn
, cs
, cy
, da
, de
, el
, en
, es
, et
, fa
, fi
, fr
, gu
, he
, hi
, hr
, hu
, id
, it
, ja
, kn
, ko
, lt
, lv
, mk
, ml
, mr
, ne
, nl
, no
, pa
, pl
, pt
, ro
, ru
, sk
, sl
, so
, sq
, sv
, sw
, ta
, te
, th
, tl
, tr
, tw
, uk
, ur
, vi
The countries where the news publisher is located, using the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. Multiple countries can be specified, separated by commas.
The topic to restrict the articles to.
, sport
, tech
, world
, finance
, politics
, business
, economics
, entertainment
, beauty
, travel
, music
, food
, science
, gaming
The response for a successful sources request.
The message of the response.
The list of sources returned by the request.
The user input for a sources request.
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